A Sad Note to Our Readers:

nota-de-falecimento_tiago_antunes_souza_comunidade_cancao_novaCatholicismanew is the English language blog published by Canção Nova, a Catholic Community with full Pontifical Recognition whose charism is preaching the word through the modern means of communication. It is based in Brazil with mission houses in various parts of the world and has consecrated laity and ordained deacons and priests as part of this community.

Last Sunday, was the ordination of eight priests at the center of the community in Cachoeira Paulista, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Yesterday, when a group of priests and seminarians were on their way to a first mass in the state of Rio De Janeiro Brazil, the van they were riding in tipped over.

Some of the priests and seminarians in the vehicle suffered injuries ranging from minor to serious. One seminarian died.

Please remember those priests and seminarians in your prayers as well as the soul of:

Seminarian Tiago Antunes Souza one month short of his 28th birthday who died in that accident.


Eternal rest grant unto him oh Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him.