Stop Loving So That You Don't Suffer?

Many stop loving in order not to suffer. But this is crazy! Regardless of the events, it is the love that is your salvation. Due to your love donation people with whom you come in contact will be saved.

Deixar de amar para nao sofrer

Credits: Yamin/New Song

Not only young people, but there are many adults, many married people who need to rediscover the grace of love, because, disappointed, they stopped loving. They become victims of their own revolt against an alcoholic family:irresponsible, absent, infidel, rough, authoritative, for this reason mine the love.

Despite these disappointments and family issues, love. I know it’s hard, but you’re the one who needs love. Make a decision for love

We need to relearn how to love. There are problems, but the lack of love sickens the heart.

Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

portuguese version