The Lord Does Wonders for US

Mercy is the greatest wonder

“While Jesus walked in again into the boat, the man who had been demon possessed
asked him to let him stay with him. But Jesus did not allow him. However, he said: ‘ go home, and announce to them everything that the Lord in his mercy, has done for you. ‘ So the man went away and began to preach in the Decapolis everything that Jesus had done for him. And everybody was amazed “
(Mk 5:18-20 ).

Photo: Yamin/CN

Jesus did not allow the man formerly demon-possessed man to stay with him, but sent him to be evangelize through his testimony of the mercy of God.

The Pope has empowered us to live the Holy Year of mercy as an occasion to “all members of the Church renew their faith in Jesus Christ, who is the face of the Father’s mercy, that unites God and man.”

At the end of our earthly life of each of us will be asked not only whether we eat and drink who was thirsty and hungry, but also if we help people “out of the question,” if we welcome sinners and oppressed by evil, admonishing them and correcting them, and if we were able to fight ignorance, especially concerning the Christian faith and living a correct life.

The real answer to the love of God is the commitment to evangelize

Lord, save us! For all those who are, oppressed by sin and the devil, deliver us!

Lord, serenely, show your face to your servant and save me through your compassion!

Come, Lord Jesus!

Luzia Santiago

Portuguese version