Worth a sacrifice when the fruit is guaranteed, because love requires sacrifice
Meditate the word of John 12.27 -32
“Now is my soul troubled. And what shall I say? Father, save me from this hour. But for this cause I came unto this hour. Father, glorify thy name. A voice therefore came from heaven: I have both glorified it, and will glorify it again. The multitude therefore that stood and heard, said that it thundered. Others said: An angel spoke to him. Jesus answered, and said: This voice came not because of me, but for your sakes.
Now is the judgment of the world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out. And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all things to myself.” John 12:27-32 (DRBO)
“It’s easier to build bridges than to raise walls.” (Pope Francis)
Jesus is the great bridge that unites us to God, but this is not done without sacrifices. Sometimes we think only we were disturbed, but those next to us are also bothered.
We are suffering, impatient, but we forget that, in the heart of who is at our side, there are others that have the same concerns, or even worse things.
We don’t notice that our Lord also faced times of disruption, and that this time it was recorded in the word, for us to learn what to do. And what shall we say? “Lord, RID me of this time” or “Lord, get rid of that responsibility? If you came to this world to go through such a situation, if this is the challenge of our lives, why do we ask God to take us away from this opportunity to do his will? No! Let’s ask: “Father, glorify your name”.
Sacrifice comes at a price
Don’t ask God to get rid of the struggles if they are for our growth, wisdom and salvation. What is the sacrifice worth if one doesn’t have to pay a price? It is worth a sacrifice when the fruit is guaranteed, because love requires sacrifice.
When we make sacrifices for God, the fruit of the sacrifice is salvation.
You want to be loved? I give you a hint: without sacrifices we will never attract people to us or to God.There’s no other way, we have to make sacrifices. We will only be able to bring people together with us when we are filled with God’s love. Only love can bring us to say: “Father, glorify your name”.
As temptation plagues us through the illusion, making us believe that we are no good! That happens so that we do not glorify God in the reality of our life.
Love how the Lord loves us
Jesus touched the people who nobody wanted to go near, He was next to them. When we come to it, that’s the first thing that makes us notice: the strength and depth that we love. Did you know that God loves us to the depth our being?
This Word reveals that the cross is not the failure of love, but the perfection of it. Jesus went up on the cross so that we could see His open arms as a gesture of love. The Holy Spirit and Divine Providence are building a marvelous work! We’re not seeing it, but mercy is happening.
Are you suffering? Despite this, be sure to love. Cure hatred in an embrace of peace. Remember that love requires sacrifice.
Love disarms violence. Love in a hug, to show that love heals the sin. To embrace is to bring the other into the heart. The arms of Jesus represent to us the love, they are arms that embrace without suffocating us. .
Sometimes, we get a love that’s coming up because it’s suffocating. Without freedom there is no love.Don’t make the person a dependent on you, because that is a disease. An adult cannot rely on another person, because that dependency does not let a person be true to his or herself.
To love you have to invest
Who loves invests in and does not sabotage freedom. It does not imprison the other doesn’t make her or her dependent.
If your House has love, your kids will never abandon it. If your husband feels loved, he will never leave her. He may even feel deceived by other women, because the beauty enchants the eyes, but the only way to keep him by your side is captivating him in love. It’s always the lack of love that leads the person to leave.
When someone loves you, he subjects himself to the worst sufferings. When we love, we become open to sacrifices.
Jesus endured all that we may understand that He is open to us. Regardless of what we do, the heart is always open.
Marcio Mendes
Canção Nova Community mission
Portuguese Transcription and adaptation: Leticia Barbosa