Whomever has the Holy Spirit for a friend is never alone

We have a friend for every hour


“But the Holy Spirit comes upon you and gives you strength” (acts 1, 8a).

We have a wonderful friend who wants to live with us closely at all times and wants to be in all circumstances of our lives an inseparable Companion. He wants to be one with us in prayer, in our thoughts, our dreams, our tears, our joys, our affections and in our everyday life.

I think you must be eager to know who this Friend and companion who is with us.This person is the Holy Spirit who wants to pour out his grace on us today. Who ever has this Friend is never alone, because He is in the more intimate with each one of us by strengthening us and giving us a real meaning to our life.

Are we going to open ourselves today to this relationship with the Holy Spirit of God? At all times we pray like this: come, Holy Spirit, and make me a new person.

Jesus, I trust in you!

Luzia Santiago

Portuguese version