I Want to be Free!

This Month We Are Celebrating Monsignor Jonas Abib’s 80th Birthday, Monsignor Jonas is the founder of Canção Nova.

To be free is to draw closer to God, He sets us free


Quero ser livre

Credits: Yamin/New Song

You need to be different. Say it with me:I’m going to be different, I will be free! We think that being free is doing what everyone does, but that’s lame, it’s not free.

Being different is hard. Be different from the father and the mother, who don’t think like you, it’s not easy, but you have to be different and make them different to make a difference.

Many of the people around us are blindfolded as they are still under the Dominion of the evil one. But we were ripped out of him, we are all different, our way is not the way of the enemy.

We need to help people to turn from the worldly way of life. However, unfortunately, we have not had the courage to swim against the current. To change this situation, we need to ask the Holy Spirit to give us the courage to go against this current that’s taking the world down. Those around us don’t realize they’re being deceived. We have to swim against the tide.

Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

Portuguese version