Nobody is born bad
“In this way, are we such a cloud of witnesses, let us cast off from us the chains of sin” (Hb 12, 1a). The word of God is showing us that sin is not just an act, because if repeated, it envelopes us and ties us up in chains.
“Run with perseverance to the proposed combat , keeping eyes focused on the author and finisher of our faith, Jesus”(Hb 12, 1b). However, we’re forgetting this entirely.
For many, there no longer exists the struggle against sin, there is an inclination to it, and there are many opportunities to commit it. Often, when there is a friend that leads us to do what is wrong, we, without striving, entered into sin: Let’s go “drinking” it, in tying it to the senses, feelings and we end up trapped by it [sin], because it is much more than a disease.
Sin wants us to lead many to enter the drug addictions, alcoholism, of lies, corruption, hypocrisy, arrogance, evil and we can’t get out.
We were raised in the right and the good, people are born good, but lean to small sins, then the most serious, finally becoming bad, evil. People become bad, because being tied to sin, are taken in evil and are unable to extricate themselves.
Leave sin, having the grace of conversion is a God thing. Only He can convert us.Conversion is changing direction, is to “turn around” and live the opposite way. If you have not yet had the grace of conversion, by Jesus, the Savior, is the blood and the cross from him; we’re all ripped out of this situation of sin.
The initial conversion is only by God, by the intervention of Jesus. You need to ask for it, take it and accept it.
And even after the grace of conversion, because of original sin and the weight that it will bring in our lives, we need to continue the fight. Fight with perseverance in fighting before us with our eyes fixed on Jesus, in us, who starts and completes the work of faith. I know you want that for your life.
I don’t know what kind of sin you are entangled in, but today is the day to put it on the altar, the sacrifice of Jesus. Even if you’re struggling, but still fail to bounce back from your sin, do as Jesus told Jairo: “be not afraid, only believe”. The Lord is on your side, He did not abandon you and he tells you. “Fear not, believe only because I’m by your side. Put your eyes fixed on me and walk. I want to give you a complete conversion “.
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib