In the Lord I can do all, because it is He who strengthens me

In the hour of trial you can trust God? In it, in fact, everything can I?

 Márcio Mendes, on Friday morning, day 28 October 2016, the program ‘ smiling at Life ‘, taking São Paulo as an example for us, urges us to we faint not amid the setbacks of life. We proclaim our ‘ everything ‘ as it is wise to person who knows silence the heart in the hour of trial.

The meditated Word is in Philippians 4:10-13:
“I rejoice greatly in the Lord that now at last you revived your concern for me. You were, of course, concerned about me but lacked an opportunity.Not that I say this because of need, for I have learned, in whatever situation I find myself, to be self-sufficient.I know indeed how to live in humble circumstances; I know also how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry, of living in abundance and of being in need. I have the strength for everything through him who empowers me.


Tudo posso naquele que me dá força

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Whoever evangelizes, often has to call on people who are on the margins. St Paul, in this passage,was forgotten by the people, because due to corrections he gave which some times were not understood. But Paul didn’t falter.

How many miraculous signs did God do in the life of St. Paul. He was a great evangelizer, but had many needs. Don’t be fooled into thinking that just because we serve the Lord we do not pass through trials.

Many people misunderstand the word: “I can do all through Christ who strengthens me.” When we live the “I can do all” it is not that what we’re going to do things because we are with God, but that life is to be in the sphere of the will of the Lord.

When we understand the will of the Lord and we comply, nothing can stop us. Every struggle makes us suffer, but at the end we will be happy. There is a will for our lives that the Lord will tell us during our journey.

How many situations do we encounter when we only need to just settle our heart from the anxiety that grows. A person, agitated and desperate, becomes similar to a bird in a cage: debate only serves to hurt him and wear him down. How many things have we “discussed and we discussed” only to get tired.

Certain times, signs of strength are the quieting the heart. On someone offending us, it is not a sign of cowardice to be quiet, but strength comes from God.

Let us learn from the Lord to answer the slights with silence. It’s not surrendering to judgment, but in silence we win.

Without God we can’t do many things, but with God the same things are possible. Without God we care of many things. What we need to do for our salvation, we don’t lack the strength to succeed.

Difficulty tests who we are. In life we will always be affected and hurt, but don’t be let down. Don’t be frustrated over the sorrows and wounds which we encounter for these are signs that we are human, we have a heart.

Stand and dwell on facts and events. Don’t pull back, but move forward. Let us be strong, because the greater the dependence, the greater the search. Who doesn’t dare not to live. Dare to live, to love, to take a chance.

It’s worth losing a few things for the work of God. St Paul cared only to have the approval of the Lord, to be faithful to him. The grace of being in communion with him gave the strength for Paul pay evil with good.

Let those judges us with their judgments do so, because the only one that can judge is God. We can do anything if it is God who gives us strength.

Márcio Mendes
Canção Nova Community mission

Original Portuguese Transcription and adaptation: Ariele Silva

Portuguese version