Has Sadness Arrived in your Life?

Sadness is the Devil’s favorite daughter

Sadness is like pain: it comes without warning. But we can’t deliver. On the contrary, the secret is to resist.

Knowing this, the Lord instructed us:

“Do not delivered thy soul to sadness, do not torment yourself in your thoughts. The joy of the heart is the life of man, and an inexhaustible treasure of Holiness; the joy of man makes his life long “ (Sirach 30:21 -23).

God gives us the order to not give ourselves over to sadness, because it has caused the loss of many. He doesn’t want to see us die because of it. Many people have already died spiritually and psychologically because of the sadness. People have sadness rooted in heart! They need to remove everything and get rid of the root of bitterness.


Monsignor Jonas Abib-Credits: New Song File

The radical liberation from sorrow is the work of the spirit. Only he is able to eradicate from us all grief and make that joy spring abundantly within us. But He needs our cooperation, without it nothing will be done.

It is necessary to be open to all roots being removed. God gives us free will: the decision is ours.

They often insist on cultivating negative feelings, become masochistic. We can’t be brooding over past sufferings. In this way, we end up opening a huge gap for the enemy to act.

Sadness is the Devil’s favorite daughter, so he likes to cultivate and accommodate sadness in our hearts.

We can’t be bitter, negative people, rough, bitter, angry and resentful. On the contrary, we need to take ownership of the fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, benevolence, faith, self-control.

Somehow the temptation seeks an opening to act in our lives. There are people who wish to sincerely be of the Lord, but end up allowing the sadness take control of the situation.

The word of God commands us:

“Not delivered thy soul to sadness; don’t torment yourself in your thoughts “(Sr 30, 21).

We can’t deliver ourselves to temptation: We belong to God. Did you ever notice how many times the Lord guides us?

“render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what belongs to God” (Mt 22.21).

Of God comes the joy, from the devil comes grief. We are from God, so we are from Joy.

Sadness is responsible for many diseases and suicides. If there is sadness, as you fight the enemy; forego the sadness, as if you are renouncing the devil.

Only those who fight and do not let themselves be slaughtered by the setbacks of life find true joy. Renounce all that grieves you to Him:

Lord, because I believe in You, I renounce all sadness that came over me. I break with sadness, with disappointment and with all sorts of frustration.
I put all sorrow at the foot of the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t want to accumulate debris in my heart. On the contrary, I want to cultivate joy.
Remove from me the root of sadness. Give me your Holy Spirit. I want to make my life a constant joy to others. Give me your joy and your peace.


Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib

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