This brief life needs to be a path to eternal life
Recently, we lost a very dear person, we came almost together in Canção Nova Community, in 2001. I never imagined that young people, young parents, can die suddenly, unexpectedly. The passage of dear Samuel into the arms of the father in heaven made me rethink a lot of things in my life. One is that we must not lose time, because our life is short and, in addition, we don’t know when the Lord will call us.
For this reason, it is worthwhile to reflect where we are spending our energies with which goals and also how we are living our life. Do I believe in God? Do I want to do his will? Do I want to be Holy? Am I taking of God to those who live and work with me? What comes first in my life: God, the neighbor, or myself?
Another issue is our relationships: with whom do I need to reconcile? Whom do I need to forgive or ask for forgiveness? Who needs help, love or more?
Let us pray today, asking God to reveal to us what really matters. What is really essential? This will be a good step to avoid wasting time. This brief life needs to be a path to eternal life!
God bless you!
Márcio Todeschini