Only filled with the Holy Spirit are we are able to perform good deeds and to do all things. By ourselves we can’t achieve any of this, as much as we want.
What to do, then? Call out for the coming of the Holy Spirit throughout our day in order for him to come to our aid and support us in our weakness. St Paul will tell us: “I do not do the good I want to, but what I don’t want to” (Romans 7, 19). We all experience this reality, but, thanks to God, we know that the Paraclete comes to the rescue of our limitations. In the face of our weakness, when we recognize and assume our poverty, the Lord takes our place in combat, winning for us. We can go through great torments, but, being with the heart in the air, we continue with firm steps and in peace.
Humbled in heart in the presence of the Lord, recognizing that it is He who comes to our strength. We ask in prayer every day, the Holy Spirit of God to lead our actions, our feelings, our attitudes, that we can do all things according to the will of God.
We are insistent in doing our prayers, because it is through perseverance that we will achieve the victory.
Jesus, I trust in you!