Let Us Mark Today with Sincere Gestures of Love

Love is able to transform all the realities


Start this new day doing small gestures of love to all the people who pass today through your life, so that they find happiness for being in our presence.

The simple gestures, made with love, mark deeply the lives of others. Surely God will inspire us to make the gesture that each needs to receive to be happier.

“Whatever you want men to do to you, do that to them” (Mt 7, 12). Because only love is able to transform all the realities and to fertilize the new life in our heart.

Only Christ Jesus gave himself on the cross for us; learn today with him to love unconditionally and to be instruments at the service of love.

Lord, teach us to be always a sign of love and hope.

Jesus, I trust in you!


Lucia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova 

Portuguese version