Beginning this week through to Holy Week, Catholicismanew will be offering one preacher a week from Canção Nova. This week we will read the words of Marcio Mendes. The next week we will read from Fr. Roger Araujo, the following week from Fr. Roger Luis, the next week from Luzia Santiago and the Fifth week of Lent from Monsignor Jonas Abib. Enjoy this special retreat series from Canção Nova
The meditated Word is in St Matthew 21:28-32:
“But what think you? A certain man had two sons; and coming to the first, he said: Son, go work today in my vineyard. And he answering, said: I will not. But afterwards, being moved with repentance, he went. And coming to the other, he said in like manner. And he answering, said: I go, Sir; and he went not. “
If we can’t hear God, it is not because he won’t speak to us, but because we have muted our heart to hear him.The Lord tells us daily through our consciousness, of his word and of the people, to be on the lookout for His voice.
A person full of the Holy Spirit receives the anointing to transform his or her consciousness to the voice of the Lord. Our consciousness is the presence of God directing us not to take hasty attitudes. The Lord always tells us which way to go. When things do not work out, realize that he is telling us: “don’t go there. Stop! Come back! Let me guide you. “
Sensitivity to understand the will of God
Understand the Father’s hand guiding us on so many facts that happen to us and change our decision. God moves us to your attention when he speaks to us through the events of our lives. Our agitation and our occupations bury the voice of God which directs us. Who listens to his voice and obeys enters Heaven. It is possible to live heaven on Earth, because the presence of the Lord anticipates his Kingdom for us.
The sinner walks with remorse and lives in irritability all the time. The person who fights against God becomes unbearable to him or herself. Whoever is running away from their sufferings and does the opposite of what he says, will find much greater suffering.
Happiness is to fulfill the will of God
The Lord directs us not to make us unhappy, but because he wants the best for us. The child, when does not conform, suffers needlessly. The will of the Lord is a solid rock, in which he will strengthen all of our house. Whoever obeys God loves his family and avoids the reason to run away from his home.
Obey God when we seek Him in prayer and He will purify our our ears to hear him. No matter what our sins, the Lord has the power to remake our history.
Long ago, God has shown us the direction. Don’t be afraid to follow the paths that he shows us, but have the courage to obey his voice. If we unite the will of the Lord in all situations, we will experience Heaven.
Márcio Mendes
Canção Nova Community mission