The missionary Marcio Mendes on the “Smiling for Life” program, motivates our hearts to trust in Christ as the Lord desires our salvation and for that, we need to open ourselves to His will.
The Word meditated on today is 1 Thessalonians 5,9-11:
“God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, awake or asleep, we may live together with him. Therefore, comfort you and build one another, as you already do. ”
“The Lord did not create us to death, but for life,” says Márcio.
God did not appoint us to destruction, but to salvation. The Lord did not create us for death, but for life. Salvation for us is to be a daily experience. How many situations of physical and moral hazards do we suffer! But at all times the Lord cares for us.
When we think that our prayer was not heard by God, our heart revolts from it, but the Lord never fails to hear us. Sometimes to win you need to lose, and, over time, we realize that losing was the best thing that could happen to us.
To make the experience of salvation we need to unite in Christ. He promises us salvation if we persevere to the end. For things to change in our lives, let us ask the Lord to touch our hearts. The Father does not demand answers from us, after all we do not know al. But the only thing He asks of us is that we stay with Him no matter what happens.
The only thing we can not give up is to walk with the Lord, because united to Him all else will be a consequence of our walk. We can then discern what comes into our lives, for evil can be disguised as something good. When connected to the Father, fruits begin to sprout in our hearts. If we have God, we can allow the Holy Spirit to manifest His fruit in us.
One day the Lord called us and He continued to walk with us. This is God’s promise to us: “Whoever fears the Lord will know that all will be well, and will be blessed on the day of his death.” (Sir 1:13). We can lose everything, but the most important thing is to be united to the Lord.
Several times, the pleasures of this world blind us and we do not give due importance to our walk with God, the unity of our family and true friends. What makes us stand with the Father is to put our hearts before Him, abandoning ourselves unreservedly in His hands. What does the Lord asks us about today? Whatever it is, if it is He who asks us, may we respond, as doing His will keep us united to him.
Marcio Mendes
Missionary of the New Song Community
Portuguese Transcription and Adaptation: Ariele Silva