The Knowledge of Our Weakness

Self-knowledge helps us in our weakness and leads us to be better

conhecer o coração

Our self-knowledge of our weakness brings forth in us humility and true peace. Here are the Beatitudes of tears of which the Gospel speaks not those easy and sensitive tears that express nothing, but those tears deep of the heart, these returns and conversions that call us to humility and the painful heartache of sins committed, that contrition of the heart.

In the Gospel we see those tears our Lord called “Blessed”: “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted” (5.4 Mt), the forgiven sinner’s tears, the tears of Peter who denied the master, tears of my heart, that you and I have experienced and that God wants us to concede to us.

God provides, God will provide. Trust! His mercy won’t be lacking.


Your brother,

Wellington Jardim (Eto)
Co-founder of the community and administrator of FJPII Canção Nova

Portuguese version