We need to find the one who is the biggest reason of joy, blessing, and our own existence
“‘ Jesus said, ‘ woman, why do you weep? Who is it you are looking for? ‘ Thinking he was the gardener, Mary said: ‘ Lord, if you took tell me where you put Him, I will search for Him ‘ ” (John 20, 15).
Mary Magdalene was outside the Tomb, in fact, she wouldn’t let go of that grave for anything. Since the day that Jesus met Mary and changed her life, she never left him.
When the Lord was crucified, she accompanied him. When he was placed in the Tomb there was Mary. So she was honored to be the first witness, first disciple, who, in fact, contemplated the risen one. She was still crying, disconsolate, looking for the Lord.
Sometimes we meet Mary: outside the Tomb, looking for the Lord
Mary Magdalene was actually looking for the joy and the reason of her life; she searched for he who was the resurrected, first; The one who had given reason to her existence.
Mary was crying because she was looking for the reason of her life and the men had him taken away. But she wanted to see him, even if it was just his body.
You know, I also cried a lot in life. Each has his reason to cry, each has the reason to his or her sadness. But we cry at times and we are disappointed and, sometimes, we let ourselves be consoled momentarily by a human, that brings us then to other sorrows in life.
We need consolation, we need to find the one that is the biggest reason for joy, for blessing of our own existence. Mary found Him and her life was never the same! Since she found Jesus, she made him the biggest reason of her life.
It is not enough to just meet with the risen Jesus. It is necessary to allow him to be the greatest reason of our life. You need to allow him to be the definitive full joy of our joyful heart, our life and our existence. It is necessary to make Jesus the Lord of your life.
Our heart will no longer be the same, our life will never be the same. Our tears will be shed, but we will be consoled and by Christ himself. We can’t lose him. And if you still haven’t found it, you need to find him and do as Mary Magdalene did: witness to all that Jesus is alive and is the Lord.
Bring to all the good news of the resurrection of Jesus.
God bless you!
Fr. Roger Araujo
You can write to Fr. Roger at padrerogercn@gmail.com