“Love one another as I have loved you”
God put us in this world to love and build on Earth, the civilization of love. Often, we hear questions that demonstrate the marks of a cruel hatred that in the report: “after all, if God is love, why is humanity in this terrible situation of hatred? “.
The great response to this and other questions is: Jesus has already done his part, he came and taught us. Now, it’s up to us to put into practice his teachings and make disciples everywhere, “teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you”. But what did Jesus command while on Earth? And I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must also love one another. (Jo 13.34).
Jesus lived with people, he, during all that time, trained men and women to live the commandment: “Love one another” . Today, we are called to exercise what Jesus commanded us.
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the community Canção Nova