Our essence is love
Anger is the feeling of irritation, anger, widespread resentment in some role or situation. Even though this feeling arises in front of things gone wrong, the Lord wants to convince us that the human remedy we use is not efficient. Yell at the child, cursing, beating, react with anger doesn’t solve anything.
God teaches us that the only solution is love. Sometimes, you are required to correct and punish, but nothing that can be done under the influence of anger. You can have every reason to speak firmly with your spouse in order to fix it, but know that the solution does not come through the ire, which is not of God. The solution is love! That is our essence.
The Holy Spirit is who sows the love in us. Parents and children need to use that holy sentiment that has been sown our heart. We need to end our ill will in the home, which is sometimes justified by tiredness. Love overcomes everything, even fatigue. God has already sown in us “goodwill”, and it must be used also in difficult times.
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community