Let’s not let discouragement be present in us
If you stifle a candle with a glass, what will happen? The flame will go off in a few seconds, because it lacks oxygen. You can’t continue with nay-sayers even under justifications that they speak well.
With you it’s the same as with the candle: you have fuel, quality wax, the better, but, unfortunately, dismay if present and mutes you. The flame of many people has gone out. Their soul is muted. They surrendered to the conformism and settled in dismay. Result: they are sad, helpless and depressed.
What is someone discouraged? It’s as if the person has no soul; the flame went out. Discouragement can take you down, but you can’t let it get settled.
I repeat: discouragement destroys many. Defuse this bomb in your life while you can. Raise this flag: Discouragement no more!. Whatever happens, whatever the problems.
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the community Canção Nova