Faith Overcomes the Challenges of the Day to Day Living

Chácara Santa Cruz

Faith is the certainty of hope  in what we don’t see

“How can I question what God can do?”. We all traveled a path in the certainty that we are pilgrims on this earth, because our goal is Heaven; and we walk this way, we walk toward the cross and we face many rocks and obstacles along the way.

Today, I want to share a little of what guides my everyday life in search of overcoming the challenges that I encounter at Canção Nova and in my personal life. I seek to live the faith, just as it says in the first letter of St. John: “this is the victory that has overcome the world — our faith.”

Faith is the certainty of waiting for that which you don’t see, and I believe that the victory was given to me.

Follow three steps to walk my way. The first step: know that the battle is not mine, but of God. The second: looking at the history of the people of God, behold how many victories and wonders the Lord held; Finally, my own life is a great experience. Today I know: I can’t doubt what God can do for me.

Your brother,

Wellington Garden (Eto)
Co-founder of the community and administrator of FJPII Canção Nova

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