Pregnancy in youth, young and immature parents
Every day, we see more young people who are pregnant and very young parents. In my view, this negates the logic of ministerial campaigns for the prevention of pregnancy, which are often in favor of free sex. With this, we find that what is lacking is not information, as many argue, but psychological maturity of the young people who initiate their sexual life early, without realizing the consequences of their acts.
Photo: Daniel Mafra /
They have information, yes, but they do not know how to apply it to their lives, for with a self-centered vision of immediate pleasures they think nothing will happen to them: it is the magical vision of being immune to every negative consequence of their actions .
From children to parents
With an early pregnancy, the young people, abruptly, pass from children to father and mother. Often jumping the step of husband and wife. The adolescent world break down and in comes the adult obligation. These obligations, which, in my view, should not be transferred to the parents of these young people or assumed by them.
The teens often fall into the error of being pitied by their parents, because they have to assume a family early, because they feel guilty or because they have experienced the same situation; Then they end up overprotecting them once more, not allowing them to make that passage, even if abrupt and precocious. In this way, they condemn them to be forever inconsequential teenagers.
Training and preparation
I see that it would be appropriate to treat the matter in a preventive way in our families and in society, forming young people to live each stage of their development: the child plays and learns to be sociable. The adolescent is dedicated to the study and practice of social relations, preparing to assume life for two and the family; And the adult, yes, can fully live his sexuality responsibly.
When this does not happen and the sexual life begins irresponsibly in adolescence, the good thing would be that the unwanted pregnancy was reason to rethink the behavior of all involved, so that they came to the conclusion that this child is the most important thing at the moment, since he or she is a life that is coming, it is a blessing and it is welcome, because a child is always a blessing, it is a source of joy and pleasure, come when and how it comes.