not based on screaming; but by the power of the Holy Spirit
“Not by might nor by might, but by my Spirit, declares the Lord with all power” (Zech. 4: 6)
Often, we want to sort things out by force, at the base of it all we scream. Thus, moved by emotions, we speak, fight and curse. But our emotions betray us and hurt us. Many things we do because of our emotions, when, in fact, we should never have acted that way. We get carried away by emotion, by feeling. In general, we face the problems of marriage driven by feeling, by emotion. We spoke what we should not have said and spoiled many things.
Let your heart and your head learn this: to forgive your brother or sister, open your heart and live in love. If it is not for the Spirit, we cannot really forgive. How many parents were disappointed with their son, or daughter and put them out of the house! But it is necessary to change and not solve things like that.Many children also live in resentment and sorrow for things their parents did, but it must be said that this revolt does not come from God. People make mistakes, even good parents make mistakes.
It is necessary to live the love, do not continue being puppet of the tempter, that, coward who puts the poison of revolt in your heart. What the tempter most desires, today, is to blow up our families, and he uses us to achieve this. He looks for and places in our heads reasons to disappoint us. He wants to use us as “cannon fodder” to blow up our family.
Disappointment makes us act instinctively and do things we did not even know we could do. If it is not let out, it explodes inside. That is where we become instruments of the tempter, this can not continue. But in this situation where you are alone, God can help you. Sometimes it’s not revolt, just hurt and resentment. Many people do not have peace anymore, because they live in disappointment, they feel betrayed, they live “exploding”.
The reasons why you are resentful and sad can kill you. God wants to put an end to their wrong attitudes. It is He who is there to give you his hand. The Lord is telling you, “Open to receive my Holy Spirit,” He is giving it to you for free.
His brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community