graphic by Simon Marmion –, Public Domain, Link
In times when we feel alone, God calls us into intimacy with Him
Psalm 141 is the hymn composed by David, when he was praying in the cave, to take refuge from the pursuit of King Saul. Often, we need to stop and, even on our own, know that God is with us. We must ask and beg for the Lord’s mercy.
The name of this Psalm is “Hour of the Testing”. What is the ordeal you go through? What is your greatest need? Give it now to God, whatever it is. Maybe you, like David, have to run. David had to take refuge in the cave because Saul wanted to kill him.
David felt abandoned, but there in the cave was his refuge, his assurance. There are moments in our lives when we feel lonely, without anybody, abandoned. At such times, God calls us into intimacy with Him.
The inner desert is the total stripping of oneself.
your brother,
Wellington Garden (Eto)
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community and administrator of the FJPII