We must be humble and choose to love our neighbor truly .
The reason for our existence must be to love God above all things with total commitment and to build with our brethren a brotherly and loving relationship inspired by the love of God Himself. However, if our love is not mirrored in the Father’s love and does not reflect upon the person next to us, if we fail to seek only our own interests, it will prove the most difficult conversion of all. To deny ourselves for the good of the other requires a great deal of us, and it is possible only with the help of God. As St. Paul teaches us, love “is not selfish, does not become angry, does not take into account the evil suffered; it does not rejoice in unrighteousness, but rejoices in the truth. Love excuses everything, believes everything, expects everything, bears all “(1 Cor 13: 5-7). For this reason, for love not to pass in our life as a summer rain, we must be humble and choose to truly love our neighbor. For this, in fact, to happen, it will be necessary to forgive and ask forgiveness many times, overcoming all the barriers that close our hearts.
Jesus, I trust in you!
Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community