Be brave, do not be afraid.
Daniela Miranda. Photo: Paula Dizaró
How is the Lord’s Mercy in our lives? It is carried from generation to generation. Let us repeat these words described in the diary of St. Faustina number 449: “I am your mother by the infinite mercy of God. The soul that faithfully fulfills the will of God is the one that pleases me the most. Be brave, do not be afraid of illusory difficulties, but set your eyes on my son’s passion and you will conquer. ”
What does courage mean? Courage does not mean absence of fear, but rather, to act even in the face of fear because trusting in the Lord we will move forward. The deeper we delve into the Lord’s Mercy, the closer we come to the Merciful Jesus.
In I Samuel 17, the episode of Goliath is told. Every day we face many Goliaths in our lives. What is our Goliath? What are we facing that is too big? Are we struggling to win?
On the other side we have David who was very small but had the courage to face the challenges. To be brave we must assume who we are and the qualities that God has given us. This is how we will serve the Lord, so let us enter confidently in combat with the gift that God has given us.
Often people will tell us words that discourage us, but we can not be discouraged and we must have the courage to say and do everything with humility and trust in God.
Most of the time we want to win battles using weapons, but we need to overcome them by proclaiming trust in Jesus.
Courage is linked to trust, because when we are with a confident heart we have the courage to face the daily challenges. In the face of difficulties, the enemy wants to deceive us, but when we face obstacles with confidence in Jesus, a stone is enough to overcome.
Our confidence grows as we move forward in prayer, so it is important to have a life of prayer.
Daniela Miranda
Missionary of the Canção Nova Community