A malefice (aka curse) will always be a mode of contact with the Devil.
“Someone made a curse against me what should I do? First, we need to define what a malefice or a curse is
Regardless of the name applied here, the meaning does not change, and I will cite what Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori says in his Theologia Moralis:
“Malefiction is the power to do evil to others, thanks to a covenant and with the help of the demons.”
Father Gabriele Amorth says that the word Malefice itself is a generic word, but it is always the term that one uses when one person seeks the devil to harm another.
In general, malicious effects are performed using certain types of objects, rituals and animal sacrifices.There are many reasons why people seek out a sorcerer, etc to do evil and cast the devil on a particular person or situation. The reasons are the most diverse: To cause some kind of division and separation in marriage or affective relationship; to help in a loving relationship, to cause some people to become ill or to be healed, curses of death, Ill-effects for someone for something to go wrong in their business; curses that affect one psychologically or bring spiritual disturbances to a person … And then I could describe several more things … In fact the name of malefice is directly linked to the intention of the person to ask for that evil.
The materials used depend a lot on the intention for which the person is doing that Malice, but in general they are: Hair, nails, person’s clothes, photographs, some personal object of the person, alcoholic beverages, animal viscera, dead animals, blood, candles , dolls representing the person, blood, cigars, cigarettes and many other things …
The first important thing to know is that a Malefiction will only work against a person if God allows it.
Yet it is possible that a curse has an effect on the life of a person, or on the situations for which the Malefice was commissioned.
This is really a mystery … But in the vast majority of times the virus only has its effect for those who are living a life outside the grace of God …
The second thing is that: He who uses the devil, or sorcerer, and also the one who commissioned the devil, will always be the first to be harmed by the devil. In general, these are directly harmed by some sort of diabolical influence, obsessive and compulsive temptations, vices in general, and physical ailments.
The third thing that I think it is fundamental to know: There is no way to prove that someone did or did not do a curse for someone else. Even if you think it was your neighbor, your mother-in-law, someone from your job who does not like you and things like that … That would be a mistake and a terrible mistake to pursue that line of thinking or to assume that to be true.
The Devil likes to cause divisions in this sense, making people think that others have done some kind of evil for a certain reason.
And in that moment this does not really matter!
So what if you suspect you’ve been so bullied?
Use exactly the logic contrary to the malefice. If the curse is using the devil to do evil; you must draw close to God so that He, the SUPREME GOOD, can act in your life, breaking and overcoming all the Devil’s action.
You need to cultivate and create a life of more intimacy with God, be more faithful in prayer, being more with Him. Not because you want to get rid of the evil that one did, but because He is God and thus you need to experience Him in your daily life.
Therefore, I always advise people who write to me symptoms of spiritual problems, and who actually appear to be suffering something spiritual, to begin a path in God and to God.
Firstly, seek repentance of your sins and seek a Priest to make a good confession … Then the most important thing is the Holy Mass on Sundays and whenever possible on weekdays. Pray the Holy Rosary, fast and do penance. Every day read and meditate on the Word of God for a few minutes. It is important to look for small moments of worship in a church or a chapel if possible, this is very important when it comes to a process of liberation.
Find a Prayer Group in which you can participate weekly, this will help you grow in your spirituality.
If you or someone you know is being affected directly by this curse. . . you can do all that I have recommended above, seek a Priest or a good Ministry of Deliverance through a priest, so you can be followed more closely.
But there are no magic formulas in Christianity, that by fulfilling certain “rituals” and certain things you will be forever free from Evil. In Christianity there is a love relationship of a Father to us his children, and this love needs to be cultivated and empowered by us …
The more we are of God, the more are consistent in our prayer and devotions, the more we exercise works of charity; the harder will it be for any evil action to come upon us.
All of us will always be tempted, sometimes stronger temptations, sometimes less strong … But this is the “routine” action of the Devil and not even Jesus was preserved from this …
But of any kind of other actions coming from malefices and curses and such; surely these are dealt enough with a life in God!
God bless you!
Danilo Gestaldo