One Needs Discipline to Revise and Organize the Interior Life

Photo: Daniel Mafra /

It takes discipline to revise and organize the inner life
It is important to return to discipline and organization, from the minimums to the great things that surround our life.

The Canção Nova, in its path of permanent formation, follows this theme: “Discipline breeds saints, but without discipline there is no holiness” (Dom Gambino). To celebrate this grace is to celebrate life, to make each hour meaningful, to fill the months and minutes with senses that go beyond routine and sameness.

We want to make a way back to our origins, to regain the ardor, to rekindle the encounter with Jesus, Lord of our history. To return to life with God, principle of our whole life; to return to community life and return to the origins of the path of discipline.


Organization and discipline

For discipline to take place, there must be organization. Thus, we begin by defining what comes to be discipline: “Regime of order imposed or even consented. Order that is appropriate for the proper functioning of an organization. Subordination relationships of the student to the teacher. Submission to a regulation “(Aurélio Dictionary).

We need to review our life, organize it in every way: in God, in our work, our interior and our home. In short, it is necessary to begin with this resumption of organization, from the minimums to the great things that surround our life.

Monsignor Jonas Abib teaches us that in our life nothing should be stuck. We can not end our day without being reconciled to God, to ourselves and our brothers. He also tells us that the week has a special day, which helps us to review ourselves, the Lord’s Day, the Sunday.

We can not carry rubble from week to week. God gives us the grace to revise our lives, to review that which, in our walk, was not good during the week. Let us review our difficulties, our growth and relationship with God and with others. Review where we are in our spiritual life.


Review of life, intimacy with the Lord

The review of life leads us to a greater intimacy with the Lord and calms our agitated interior. It makes us realize the action of Divine Providence in our lives and constitutes orientation for our apostolate. The Second Vatican Council points out that the Church is in the world, neither outside nor separated from it, she urges Christians not to withdraw from the struggle of everyday life, but to discern the signs of the times, to collaborate with all in the construction of a world more human and to look at the world with the eyes of God.

Finally, the revision of life is the Christian reflection carried out with the purpose of acquiring the daily vision in tune with the look that the Father contemplates the world, with a view to the realization of His project of salvation. It is a look of living faith that reaffirms the value of our lives in the eyes of God and reveals the divine call within everyday events. God is in everything and has control of all things in His hands.

Do you want to do your life review?

Canção Nova