As Long As We Are in This World, We Are Subject and Prone to Sin

Adoração ao Santíssimo durante a Quinta-feira de Adoração na Canção NovaWe are all sinners, we are flawed. There’s no way out! As long as we are in this world, we are subject and prone to sin. But, attention, this is not the most decisive aspect in our lives. The most decisive thing is that we are much more prone to being reunited with God. And still, much more subject to Him. He is the Mercy.

What do we do with our faults and miseries, including those we even have ashamed to remember or confess? Or those we can not stop committing, such as our temperament? There are moments that we look at ourselves and, worn, we think even to give up, not to fight more against sin and to accept it.

There is a song of the priest Zezinho that says: “Sinner I was, sinner I am, sinner I will be; if I do not let God touch my heart. I will only be saved, if God, our Lord; forces me to change my focus. “

Do you know what we can do when we see this condition? Do you know what to do when we see the filth that sin has done and does in us?

We can cast ourselves in the Mercy of God! There is salvation for us only if we do this. First: recognize yourself as a sinner. It is our truth and to recognize it already makes us leave the pride that brings us to sin. Second, recognize yourself to be in need of mercy. It is also our truth and this already takes us away from pride and leads us to humility. Finally, always: throw yourself in the mercy of God. It is our way of salvation. God’s gift to us!
And you? What will you do what with your sin, with your sinful condition?
Mercy is within reach! Let yourself be reached!
God bless you,
Deividson Francisco.