Human love touches Heaven and gives us the grace to receive the blessings of the Father
Reading chapter 11 of the Gospel of St. John, which speaks of the resurrection of Lazarus, in verse 33 we can read that Jesus is moved and disturbed, seeing Mary and all the others weeping for the death of Lazarus, then where the body of Lazarus is buried. But why does Jesus have to ask this if He knows everything?
This question serves us, in a different way, however, with the same meaning.
Where does the Lord need to be in your life? What is it that makes you suffer? I can say that He knows, but you must show Him and show Him with love, for love is the beginning of all spiritual and physical healing. Love is the source of freedom.
As Martha and Mary, who go to meet Jesus Christ to find comfort in the death of their brother Lazarus, and are able to move Heaven, we should also be glad to know that Christ, being divine, respects human love and that love touches Heaven and gives us the grace to receive the blessings of the Father.
A big hug,
Geraldo Garcia