Do Not Cultivate Sadness!

God has given us the ability to bear the burden of each day.

As found in other cultures, we
Brazilians are very affectionate, very sentimental and like to “enjoy” sadness. Watch our roots songs, they nurture nostalgia and even betrayal. This is the opposite of what the Gospel teaches us.

How many times have we remembered what someone did to us !? Our fantasy and our feelings increase the situations experienced. As clear as snow, the more we hit them, the more they grow. So are the feelings, the more we hammer them, the more they increase within us.

One of the things that plagues us most is to cultivate fears: fear of tomorrow, fear of the future, of losing our job. We are addicted to enjoying fears and fears. Jesus tells us, “Do not worry about tomorrow, tomorrow will have its own worries. His care is enough every day “(Matthew 6:34).

How many people, in their prime, already care about old age! Live life, my son! God has given us the ability to bear the burden of each day. So if you get stuck in your past or worried about what will come in the future, you will not be able to bear anything when you reach old age.

Today the Lord takes this weight out of our hearts and minds. Jesus is having surgery on his heart and even changing his thoughts. The Lord says to him, “The joy of a man makes his life more long.” When we get carried away by sadness we become “bogged down” in it.

Cultivate joy, live more! The Lord wants you to be happy!
God bless you!
His brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community