The enemy does not want, and never wanted, that Jesus reigns
The enemy does not want, and never wants, Jesus to reign. All the war he does, though useless, is to prevent this from happening. Only it is the struggle of a defeated man who uses everything, without measuring the consequences. He invests everything, because he has nothing more to lose. He knows he will lose everything.
The enemy is shameless and blames God, trying to convince everyone that He is the author of such misfortunes. But it was the enemy who brought all this disorder, that is, it is he who promotes it! It does not come from our God: our God is only holiness, therefore, good, love, happiness, peace and joy.
Let us pray on this day asking the Lord to reign in our life, our house, our family …
Reign Lord Jesus!
God bless you!
Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community