You need to put your trust in God.
The only way to survive is by believing! The only way to contemplate victory is by putting our faith in God. If we have a good heart and a good head, we will have raw material to believe in the God of the impossible, of the miracles. If we do not put our faith in God, we will not survive. Believing simply in human foresight, we will fail! However self-sufficient you are, it is not your intelligence, your profession, your money that will give you assurances. You can have it all now and, tomorrow, you can not have it anymore. This is what I have witnessed, unfortunately, with many friends of mine. Like the prophet Isaiah, I dare say you have to put your trust in God. For you to trust, you must have a good head and heart. You need to be a person of faith. For yourself, there is no firmness under your feet. Our only firmness is faith. If you are an unbeliever, a calculator, a logician, you have to stop being. If you want to solve everything with your logic and your efforts, you must change. You must be a person of faith! God bless you! Your brother,
Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community