Let us be attentive to today’s blessing
Daily we need to open ourselves to the new. One day is never the same as the other, and for each day the Lord gives us his own grace. The grace of yesterday is past and will never return; let us be attentive to today’s blessing. Let us not by any means let the grace of God pass through our lives. We are preoccupied with many things, agitated, bound to our problems, and therefore often unable to perceive the grace of God operating in us. We continue with old habits when we cling to our problems. Today, the Lord invites us to live differently, giving us a slogan: “It is necessary for you to be born again” (John 3: 7b). This order is a divine design of mercy, because God wants us filled with the renewing Holy Spirit. With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, everything begins to change within us and around us, for the power of God renews all things. Let the Holy Spirit transform us and renew us. Let us pray and petition: Come, Holy Spirit! “Send out your Spirit, revive and renew the face of the earth” (Psalm 103,30).
Jesus I trust in you!
Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community