God can and wants to give us a whole new life.
By waiting on God, the Holy Spirit makes us reach what we would otherwise not achieve. When a man waits on God, nothing else is impossible for him. When a young man is full of hope, he can do unbelievable things. When a husband and wife have hope, nothing can destroy their family, not even death. People remain in or return to a family when they find within it the hope of being able to start over. The best of all this is that, our hope has a name: Jesus. Yes! A whole new life is possible. There is no such great evil, no problem so difficult, that God can not tear it apart. He can, by the power of His Holy Spirit, deliver us from all evils and from any state of spiritual imprisonment and death. He can and wants to give us a whole new life.
God bless you!
Your brother, Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community