We must not fear, because God will provide everything
The Word of God tells the truth and is fulfilled completely. Therefore, we must constantly adapt and remember that God cares for us.
The guarantee is the Gospel: “Look at the crows: they do not sow nor reap, they have no barn nor no pantry. However, God sustains them. Are you not worth more than the birds? “(Lk 12,24).
Let’s remember a little bit about everything we’ve been through in our lives: difficulties, health problems. We can say that it was God who took care of us. We can not be discouraged! We want to rely on God, in his system, which is Divine Providence.
The expression “all this” means “all that is needed”: daily bread, clothing, medicine, home, everything will be given in addition .
We must not fear, because God will provide everything. If we do not have access to commerce, we will eat bread by the sweat of our faces, planting and harvesting; we will use natural remedies for various purposes. We will have quality of life. Not the one designed by men, but by our Father.
For in God, we all, without exception, have quality. We have value. It is the Word of God that says, according to the translation of the Ave Maria Bible (Portuguese/Brazil) : “You are very precious to me, and even if your price is high, it is you I want!” (Is 43,4). This is our God; it is in Him and in his Providence that we must trust.
God bless you!
Your brother, Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community