Like many animals, like chickens for example, a person does not become satisfied when he is living one the fruits of the flesh, following the inclinations of this life.
He desires to have a nice car. If you have a nice car, you want to have another car. If you have a bike, you want to have a motorcycle. If you have a blouse, you want to have several. If you have one woman, you want another.
If you have a girlfriend, you want another one. If you have one house, you do not get enough, you want another. When he sees the neighbor’s house, he is envious because his yard is bigger, he envies the neighbor because he has a swimming pool, he has a new refrigerator, he even has a woman or a new spouse. The man in sin is like the chicken, just stuck. His gaze only turns to that which enslaves him, which satisfies the senses. Already, for the man animated in the Holy Spirit, everything that happens to him is reason to draw closer to God, he understands that “everything passes”. The only answer for those who desire a new life is to be docile to the Holy Spirit: “I quote heaven and earth today as witnesses against you, that I have proposed to you life and death, blessing and cursing. Choose therefore life, that you and your descendants may live “(Deuteronomy 30:19).
Jesus I trust in you!
Luzia Santiago
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community