In the most difficult hours I call out to Mary
Nothing we put in prayer is unanswered, for “the eyes of the Lord are turned to the righteous, his ears are attentive to his cry for help” (Ps 34:16).
Every child, at the time of difficulty, has the inclination to run to the mother or call her. I do the exercise of calling the name of Jesus many times during the day and, I confess, in the most difficult hours I call for Mary. I have become accustomed to asking: “Mary, go ahead of the situations that I have no control over, and of what I do not know how to take care of.”
I see Our Lady passing on to my problems and solving all situations. Let’s pray together that day: “Mary, go ahead to solve what I am unable to solve. Take care of what is not within my reach. You have the power to do this. Who can say that he was disappointed by you after he called you? ”
Luzia Santiago
Jesus I trust in you!
Co-founder of the Canção Nova Community