Being Totally of Christ

Translation: “Stay firm, my child.”


There is no “more or less” in the Christian life

Most of the time, we are fools, we think that it is not necessary to surrender totally to the Lord and we end up leaving some burrs in favor of the sin. We think that we do not have to be rooted completely in Christ, we are afraid to become fanatics, and all this is naivete. It would be like having surgery in a dirty and contaminated environment. But whoever knows even a little about health area knows that you can not play with hygiene. This is not radicalism, it is coherence. Mathematical formulas and physics work and there is no more or less, there is no relativism. We think that “more or less” can work in the Christian life. No! If in the area of ​​health cleaning is essential, the total absence of bacteria and microbes, in the area of ​​mathematics, physics and chemistry one must be exact, and there is no more or less, in the Christian life there is also none

God bless you!

Your brother, Monsignor Jonas Abib
Founder of the Canção Nova Community