The Spiritual Syndrome of Macrocephaly and Microcardia

Do you know what is the spiritual syndrome of macrocephaly and microcardia?

Macrocephaly and spiritual microcardia is the disease of the 21st century. People have grown in knowledge, but little in wisdom. They have a great mind to store knowledge and information; but a heart that is small and insensitive to the needs of others. Describes the Evangelist Saint Luke that “Jesus increased in wisdom, size and grace before God and man” (Lk 2,52). Since Jesus is the model par excellence for all men, we can be inspired and follow Him.

Luke is categorical in affirming that Jesus grew in wisdom, size and grace before God. The sequence of words is significant. The growth in wisdom precedes the others, it comes first. This to express that man must be full of wisdom before anything. To grow in stature, but not in wisdom, consists in a mismatch, a deformation.

Jesus is the model of the full and complete growth of all men. Following the words, the last growth is in grace before God. That is, he who grows in wisdom and stature grows harmoniously, and consequently will be filled with the grace of God.

At no other time did the world have access to as much information and diverse content as matters of religion, politics or economics; printed or digital books. There are countless facilities for gaining knowledge. In this way, the human being has become connoisseur of almost everything. Through technique, he has sought to explore nature and make human life less weighty. On the other hand, it is also true that people have lost their sensibilities with their neighbors and thought only of themselves. This means that they have grown in knowledge through information received, but they have not grown in wisdom, a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Wisdom is linked to the needs of the heart: love of neighbor, solidarity, forgiveness … All these are attributes of the heart.

That is why our society has become ill and deformed by the syndrome of macrocephaly and the microcardia, that is, big head and small heart. My brethren, we must grow in knowledge. But we must not forget that we must also grow in wisdom and grace before God. Let us not be deformed. If you grow in your head, let us not forget to increase the heart in the same way.



Elenildo Pereira

Candidate for the Holy Orders in the Canção Nova Community. Graduated in Philosophy from Canção Nova College, Cachoeira Paulista (SP). Bachelor of Theology from Dehoniana College, Taubaté (SP) and post-graduate in Bioethics at Canção Nova College. He works in the TV Department of Canção Nova, in the Shrine of Pai de Misericórdias [Father of Mercies].