World Governments Are Interested in Controling Births.

Birth control will lead to global collapse

The number of children around the world has declined frighteningly. Just look at the number of our grandparents’ children compared to our parents, siblings, and neighbors. With few exceptions. I, for example, am the fruit of a large family, 14 children. This number of children today is unthinkable. Sometimes it causes people astonishment when I say I have 13 siblings. Why is it frightening? Precisely because the mentality of the new couples is misrepresented by ideologies contrary to life, such as birth control. 

Photo: Wesley Almeida /

This conception of few children is the result of a mentality very well planned by the governments of the world. They, through public policies, have been disseminating various ideologies, among them: many children give a headache; times have changed, it is no longer possible to educate as well as before; the financial situation will always be precarious and the children will always be in misery. These and many other ideologies are present in the minds of many couples around the world.

The goal of birth control

It is noticeable that birth control is a control of the birth rate exercised by the governments of several countries. This implies that what is called “family planning” is actually birth control because it does not simply involve couples’ preference; on the contrary, it is basically a government policy aimed at reducing population growth.

It is perceived that this idea of ​​reducing the number of children became more real, more than that, an obligation for all. In particular, after the 1960s, the family was thought to have as few children as possible. The term “l”arge families are not in the vocabulary of countries that are in favor of declining world population.

It is worth mentioning that this control of quantity of children, at first, was made through the use of contraceptive methods, in particular the oral hormones. This happened in the 60’s, but we realized that it is no different at the present time.

Research shows that in Brazil, there was an absurd fall in birth rates. Rodolfo Pena, master of geography, says: “Brazil, since 1974, has adopted measures to educate and encourage the practice of Family Planning for the purpose of controlling birth rates. It was established, through the media, mainly, that an ideal family would have the maximum number of two children per couple. In addition, even today there is the distribution of contraceptive pills and condoms, as well as the sale of these products at affordable prices and without medical control,. “


When one does not value the human person, one runs the risk of becoming a mere object of manipulation. Data show that, unfortunately, poor countries in the 1960s especially served as guinea pigs for implanting the pills. Inspection in third world countries was infinitely less than the first. Consisting in this way in a greater diffusion of the pills in countries considered third world, like Brazil.

It is not by chance that, according to IBGE, the fertility rate in Brazil has decreased by 20.1% in the last decade. The fact is very concrete: with the increase in the spread of contraceptives, the result is a decrease in the birth rate.

In 1950, the birth rate in Brazil was 6.2 children per woman; in 1970, it dropped to 4.7; in 1990, fell to 2.6; in 2010, fell to 1.8, reaching 1.7 children per woman. From 2010 to the present day, this number has still decreased. It is drastic, but real.

People are not yet aware of this drastic birth control happening. This situation is not only in the scope of morality,  it goes much further, it has an impact even in the economy.

Read more: 
:: Birth control, what’s behind it? 
:: What the Church says about sterilization in birth control 
:: What are the natural methods that the Church recommends to married women?

The Consequences of Birth Control

The spokesman of the Portuguese Bishops’ Conference, Father Manuel Morujão, highlighted the consequences of this “demographic winter” in the Social State itself. He says that “health services, social security will collapse, because it will be a small number of people working for a huge population that is retired.” This “collapse” so called, will happen in any country where the birth rate is less than mortality.

As we have seen, countries around the world have been working to make this birth control more and more concrete. In the first moment, as seen previously, the pills were the first to serve as an instrument for this project to be executed. But they did not stop there. Subsequently, several contraceptive methods have emerged that have gained strength over the years.

Knowing this, it is up to us to do something to reverse this situation. Something concrete to do is to be propagators of life as a gift and not as a sacrifice. Children are, as the psalmist reminds us, the gift of God, the blessing of the Lord (Ps 127,3). In this way, we will combat the ideology of few children, rescuing the true value of the family of many children.


Elenildo Pereira

Candidate for the Holy Orders in the Canção Nova Community. Graduated in Philosophy from Canção Nova College, Cachoeira Paulista (SP). Bachelor of Theology from Dehoniana College, Taubaté (SP) and post-graduate in Bioethics at Canção Nova College. He works in the TV Department of Canção Nova, in the Father’s Shrine of Misericórdias and Confessionários.