Whoever consecrates oneself to the Virgin Mary is taken by her to Jesus
To answer this question, one must answer another: Where and in what situation did Jesus give us His Mother as our mother?
The Gospel of John answers us: “By the cross of Jesus stood his mother, and Mary the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son. Then he said to the disciple. Here is your mother. ‘ And from that time forward the disciple brought her into his house “(Jn 19: 25-27). Jesus gave us His Mother at the cross, under the cross and while His Blood was flowing on the earth.
Illustrative photo: Paula Dizaró / cancaonova.com
The Virgin Mary, as a woman filled with the Holy Spirit and wisdom, knows very well what to do with her consecrated children.
I take my children to Jesus.
She reflects: “Where did my son Jesus make me as the Mother of all humanity? Why did not He deliver them to me at the Wedding at Cana where I got him to anticipate His time and do the first miracle? Why did not He give me as Mother when He was at the height of His popularity, when crowds sought Him to hear Him and to be healed? Why did not He make a great convocation with the angels blowing trumpets and then solemnly delivered me as the Mother of all?
My sign, which pleased the Lord, was humility (cf. Lk 1:48). This is how I act: when someone gives himself to me, I take this Son and take him to the feet of the cross, so that he may be washed with the Precious Blood of my Son, so that he may obtain the grace of repentance for his sins and , by His Divine Mercy, he can attain salvation.
I’m not the savior. I am the Mother. I never forgot where my Son, Jesus, gave me as the Mother of all: at the foot of the cross and while His Blood was shed for the salvation of all. John, the beloved disciple, representing all of you, took me to his house (cf. Jn 19:27). But I take you to the feet of the cross. I intercede on your behalf, so that you may recognize your sins, repent and desire to change your life, and thereby be forgiven and washed by the Precious Blood of my Son, Jesus.
Read more:
.: The presence of the Virgin Mary in the life of each one of us
.: The name of Mary is sweet and gentle to her devotees
.: Why is Our Lady the Mother of the Church?
Links are to content computer translated by Google from Portuguese
I take my children to my Son Jesus. I pray for them, as I did at the Wedding at Cana (cf. Jn 2). He alone can forgive sins. Do you think my Son refuses a request from His Mother? No one can be my true son if he rejects my Son Jesus. After all, he himself said: ‘I am the way, the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me ‘(Jn 14: 6) and it is also written:’ There is no salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given to men, whereby we must be saved ‘(Acts 4:12) .
My adversary, the devil, is the deceiver. I present to you the truth: my true children must remain with me at the foot of the cross. There is the source of eternal mercy. Take the cross and follow it (Mt 16,24). I am the Mother of sorrows. I was given in pain. Only John, the beloved disciple, stood by my Son Jesus. The others fled. I may not have been together with my son, Jesus, in the great times when everyone acclaimed him and sought him out, but in the hour of pain, in which he most needed support, I was by his side. I stood at the cross.
It’s the same thing I want to do today: to be with you, my son, and with you, next to the cross of my son and our savior, Jesus Christ. “
In short, we can say: Whoever consecrates him or herself to the Virgin Mary is taken by her to Jesus. Those who welcome Jesus acknowledge their sins, repent, confess their sins, ask for His mercy, and obtain forgiveness. Then Jesus, the Way, leads him to the Father.
Father Alir Sanagiotto, SCJ