The Word of God is the secret to winning in spiritual combat

In the Word of God we find the truth that sets us free.

Father Roger Luis 
Photo: Gustavo Borges /

God is love and mercy, but He is just and shows us the way of truth. Christ Himself has taught us that only through the truth will we be delivered. He is the way, the truth and the life.

As the text we read, the Pharisees approached Jesus to tempt Him. I remembered that after His baptism Christ went into the wilderness and was tempted by the devil there.But, He overcame temptation by the power of the Word of God.

The Word of God is a source of salvation

This fact shows us that if we absorb the teachings of the Lord, we will have the strength to overcome the temptations.The problem is that we do not often absorb the Word.

We are living a great challenge in our generation. The Word of God is often used for self-interest. And evil propagates only with human help; by means of human freedom the devil acts.

The human being always wants to give a way to circumvent the Law of God .

The danger of sin in our life

Sometimes we make a ‘way’ and we think that we are not doing ‘wrong things’. It is necessary to be very careful with the false teachings that are often present in the Church. For many men have “authorized” sin because of the improper interpretation of the Law of God.

We need men and women who have the courage to shed their blood for the truth of the Gospel.

:: Read more:

The Word of God has a liberating force

How can we get close to the Word of God?

Why dedicate a month to the Bible?

Links to computer generated translations via Google Translate of material originally in Portuguese.

Faithfulness in the life of prayer

We must understand that it is the will of God that must prevail. When we want to do our will, we always find holes in situations and make mistakes. And that prevents God’s action in us.

If we are to enter into the fight of prayer we can not give the devil a break. If we seek to do our will and set aside the will of the Lord, there will be no victory.

Our enemy is the devil, and to overcome him we must take the Word of God.

We are in constant spiritual combat. Our struggle is to renounce our will to do God’s will. We need to take up our cross and fight!

Transcription and adaptation: Letícia Barbosa