God wants us to come to heaven with a transformed heart.
In the Encyclical Letter Spe Salvi, Pope Benedict XVI says that the judgment of God is for us a source of hope. How can such tragic things – such as hell and the judgment of God – bring hope? There are preachers who do not want to talk about hell and say that God is love, mercy, then how could hell exist.This is trick of the devil: to turn the trust in God into presumption, that is, the person does not take his responsibilities seriously because he has the presumption that he will be forgiven!
We have never preached God’s mercy so much and been so bogged down in sins as now, all because of presumption. And so many people think, “If hell does not exist, what if I steal that money?” If we no longer believe in the existence of hell we become people beyond good and evil. Sin is what destroys me, which makes me a worse person; and I can not use God’s Mercy to justify my destruction.
Photo: Wesley Almeida / cancaonova.com
The mother loves her son, but hates the sin that destroys him. We who are followers of the God who is Love must feed in our hearts an infinite love for sinners and supreme hatred for sin . We must be able to divide these two realities.
The great difference between the Christian and the non-Christian in the moral field is that the Christian sins and hates his sin; while the non-Christian sins and makes of sin a project of life, a way of life.
We need to use this sword that divides sin and sinner. We love our sinful brothers, but we hate the [sin] they do. The priest sitting down attends the believers in confession, because there he acts as a judge, to absolve the sinner.
Read more:
.: There is nothing more catastrophic in the world than sin
Can my sin diminish my worth as a person?
.: Pray together the prayer of the Works of Mercy
.: Mercy is the message of the heart of Jesus
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Saint Isaac of Nineveh said: “The man who mourns his own sins is greater than he who raises the dead.” Because? When you weep for your own sins, the Kingdom of God is happening in you. There are people with their hearts closed to God and to goodness. People like this: superb, hard, do not bow to the Lord. And there are also people like us who have this mediocre heart, we are honest, but every now and then we lie; we pray, but from time to time we persecute those who pray; we forgive, but we also hold sorrow. Imagine if we will enter Heaven with such a heart? It can not be!
Mercy of God
It is of no use to us to say that we love the Lord if we do not hate our sins so that we may draw closer to Him. If you repent of your sins, the Almighty hurls the sin into hell and saves the sinner. We need to arrive in heaven with a changed heart, and this is the Lord’s mercy for us.
Hell exists not because God is not Mercy, but because we are free to turn our backs to Him. So take your life seriously, be afraid of losing God! At the same time, we must have infinite trust in Him, trust that He did not die uselessly and that He will do everything to save us.
Hence, no one is allowed to stop preaching about the existence of hell. The judgment of God the Father, at the end of time, is a source of great hope for us. Our Lord wants to save us. If you see that in your family there are people making sin a life project, help them out of that evil.

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