How to Pray the Deliverance Rosary


“If then the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed.”
I have come across various situations of people asking for help because of their sufferings. Many of these sufferings are spiritual, also marked by illness, family problems, and so on.

The truth is that often it is not possible to do anything that can alleviate the difficult situations that are happening, but to advise them to cling to Jesus Christ through Prayer, for He can solve all that brings suffering to the these people, and help each one to overcome them.

Even if people do not find answers or solutions to their problems right away, surely Jesus will give them the patience and the strength until Divine Providence helps them to overcome these sufferings …
I have understood that sometimes people can not cultivate a life of prayer for themselves, even though they know it is necessary. They can not pray, read the Word, go to Mass, pray the rosary, etc … Even if they know it’s necessary, they can not react …
But in these cases the most important thing is to create a rhythm of Life of prayer, so that in God they can live these sufferings … Therefore I have perceived the effectiveness of the Deliverance Rosary in the lives of people who need to create a rhythm of prayer life, and at the same time receive spiritual graces as cures and deliverance …

When I was very young, I remember that for many times I prayed the Rosary for me and the people who asked me for prayer. It is a great prayer of intercession. And because it was easy to pray and not delay, I prayed several in one day.

It is a Rosary all based on the Word of God, which certainly makes it effective and powerful. In this Rosary you repeat 206 times the mighty Name of Jesus, and therefore there are so many testimonies of Healings and Deliverance received through Him.
For the Word of God tells us:
” Whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved ” (Rom 10,13).
” In no other (Name) is there salvation … ” (Acts 4:12).
And still:
” For this reason God exalted him sovereignly and bestowed on him the name that is above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and in hell. ” (Phil 2:10)
That is why I recommend that you always pray this prayer, you will certainly reap great graces for your life. This Rosary will help you to create a personal Prayer rhythm, so that in a short time you will also be able to pray more spontaneously, it will help you to pray the Rosary, Read and meditate on the Word of God and so on …

Begin with Him, do not be afraid … He is effective because in him is the Word of God and the Holy Name of Jesus.
Here is a brief explanation of how to pray:

I believe in God the Father
If Jesus sets me free, I will be truly free!
If Jesus sets us free, we will be truly free!
– If the prayer is for another person say:
If Jesus liberates “person’s name”, he / she will be truly free!

Jesus has mercy on me!
Jesus Heals Me!
Jesus saves me!
Jesus set me free!
Jesus has mercy on us!
Jesus heals us!
Jesus saves us!
Jesus frees us!
– If the prayer is for another person say:
Jesus have mercy on “name of the person”!
Jesus heal “person’s name”!
Jesus save “name of the person”!
Jesus release “name of the person”!
FINAL – Salve Regina 
I hope you can write to me and give your testimony!
God bless you!

Danilo Gesualdo



