Christians Defend Life

Speaking on abortion Father Roger cites in his homily in the mass for the Evangelization Club, Thursday 8th of February a phrase from Martin Luther King: I do not fear the noise of the bad, I fear the silence of the good.”

Father Roger emphasized that the Church is anxious for prophetic Christians. Christians capable of denouncing the works of darkness. “The Christian should not be silent before a society that is in favor of abortion. We are in favor of life.”

Living for us should be Christ, there is no other option when one is Christian, not to stop fighting for the triumph over evil.” said the priest.

Remembering the first visit of Pope Benedict XVI in Brazil Father Robert cites an except form the document of Aparecida:

“Today we stand before new challenges that call us to be the voice of the voiceless. The child growing in its mother’s womb and people who are in their declining years are a claim for dignified life that cries out to heaven and that cannot but make us shudder. The liberalization and routinization of abortion practices are abominable crimes, just as are euthanasia, genetic and embryonic manipulation, unethical medical testing, capital punishment, and so many other ways of assaulting the dignity and life of the human being. If we want to maintain a solid and inviolable basis for human rights, we absolutely must recognize that human life must always be defended from the very moment of conception. Otherwise, the circumstances and conveniences of the powerful will always find excuses for abusing persons” DA 467. ( Documento de aparecida)

Translated from Portuguese