Webradio Canção Nova for the 7th Week of Ordinary Time Year B

The latest English version of Canção Nova WebRadio is now available for download:

Fr. Carr plays the music for the 7th Week of Ordinary Time 2012

Não SeiBanda Conexa
RestorationRicardo Sá
Profeta Do AmorDunga
Gloria A Deus Nas Alturas, As MuralhasMinisterio Amor e Adoração
Sangre de Cristo-Ovidio Garcia
Utopia-Brais Oss

For information on Portuguese language music, contact the Canção Nova Mission House at

1360 Powers Ferry RD SE C 200

Marietta, GA 30067
Phone: 770 644 0067


Follow Fr. Carr on Twitter @frbobcarr

Canção Nova Webradio from the US Mission House in Atlanta in Portuguese can be heard 24/7 by clicking on the “Ouça Agora” Link at http://www.cnusa.com

Comments about the program can also be left at Facebook