Feminine Sexuality

Girls, speaking on sexuality in the real world is very difficult, because it moves with the whole being of the person, therefore before you begin to read this text, I invite you to ask the Holy Spirit that He may be pour out over you, opening your heart and your mind to God’s truth.

Sexuality characterizes the man and the woman not only in physical form but also on the psychological and spiritual plane. It is a richness that involves the person as one, body, feeling and soul. And the strongest expression on the physical plane is genitality, the sexual act.
Our Sexuality is a Gift of God

Many of us receive orientation on sexuality through the TV, books and magazine, friends or even from a lover, we confuse sexuality with Sensuality. We learn to dress ourselves, to act in a sensual way, moved by feelings, needs and emotions. All this in search of Love, generating in us blocks, illusions, frustrations, self condemnation, bitterness…These are the consequences generated by sexuality discovered and lived outside the will of God, for the sexual relation never reduces itself to a neutral act, it cannot disconnect from the soul, the person invests in his totality for the body is you, no physical exchange occurs without the soul compromising itself, and that of your partner too. it is this that becomes a grave sexual act and at the same time majestic.
It is for that reason that rape, especially of a child is so traumatic!
A spiritual and psychological devastation
We have wounds in our Sexuality that only the Lord can Heal!
We Women we have to dress and act in a form where we assume our Feminine Sexuality.
As God created us, is loving you in a unique way, with your way of speaking, your expressions, your way of seeing, your body [no matter where you live]
As God created us Feminine woman! His  image and likeness. Made to Love!
Let Us Pray:
Lord Jesus, I present to you through the hands of Our Lady My Sexuality, My Identity as Woman. Lord you know me and know My History, you Know the way that I discovered my sexuality, I ask you Jesus, Heal me, lead me through the action of the Holy Spirit to be a New Woman to the image and likeness of Your Mother. Hail Mary. . . Amen!
Deyse Lima
Canção Nova Community
translated from Portuguese