Women Need to Rescue Their Femininity, Stresses Psychologist


Psychologist Elaine Ribeiro stresses that women need to rediscover their values and characteristics as women.

Femininity is the mode of being, of living, of thinking, or even the characteristics that make the woman be feminine and what it is to be feminine. Feminism for its time, was a social movement that surged in the 1960’s that laid claim to the rights and the value of the woman.
But feminism, at the same time which brought important gains for women, as the right to vote; put men to be enemies, as if they could ruin the possibility of a woman having a career. This put men and women face to face in a competition.

“The great challenge of the women today is to understand that she is not in competition with the man, that she has specific characteristics, that she needs to identify herself professionally, but she cannot forget her dreams, she cannot allow herself to be masculinized, taking characteristics of a man” stressed psychologist Elaine Ribeiro.

Men, for their time, can help their women friends and family members, in order that the women are not masculinized. Today specialists stress that the woman needs to rediscover her original essence in order that her true beauty appears, without neglecting her struggles. Because this is going to be her key victory, conquering oneself.

To the psychologist, the woman needs to stress her values and specific characteristics such as gentleness, capacity to listen, to be maternal, to permit herself to be woman, to be feminine.

To be maternal is not simply just to give birth to a son, but to welcome a friend, for example, with a caring embrace,” she clarified.

A mulher moderna tem diversos papéis, ela é mãe, profissional e esposa, com isso precisa saber administrar todas as situações para que consiga se sentir completamente mulher.

A modern woman has diverse roles, she is mother, professional and wife, with this she needs to know to administrate all the situations in order to continue feeling completely woman.

Many times woman have fear of being feminine, because they think that this can be synonymous with weakness, the psychologist stressed that in fact that to be sensitive is not be competent, to be delicate, the woman does not become capable of being professionally competitive.

“Men and woman have their role and when each one is conscience of their gender roles things become more harmonious,” stressed Elaine Ribeiro.

Nicole Melhado in collaboration with Flávia Pereira

translated from Portuguese