Mortal Sin Brings Suffering and Death to the World

He [Jesus] was wounded because of our iniquities. (Isaiah 53:5)

God gives us the best and most precious riches to live in us. In each the moments of our day, He is at our side and always is present making smooth our road and protecting us and covering us with blessings. Separating ourselves from the Lord is the worst of all tragedies; the greatest error that we can commit.

Sin brings suffering and death to the world, each time that we sin we become less happy.

Put yourself in the presence of God. Go in the spirit to that time in which you began to sin;  pay attention especially to your ingratitude to the Lord. Ask pardon for these sins and throw yourself to the feet of That one that is your Lord.

Nosso Senhor instituiu o sacramento da confissão para purificar a nossa alma; não deixe que o seu coração fique manchado por esse mal [pecado] por muito tempo. Confessar-se é o melhor remédio. Neste dia, se não for possível fazê-lo, não desanime nem desista, busque o melhor dia o quanto antes para se reconciliar com o Senhor. Ele está esperando por você!

Our Lord instituted the sacrament of Confession to purify our soul; do not allow your heart to remain stained by this evil [sin] for long. Confession is the greatest remedy. In this day, if it is not possible to do it, do not be discouraged or give up, look for the best day  as soon as possible to reconcile with the Lord. He is waiting for you!

Jesus, I trust in You!

Luzia Santiago

translated from Portuguese

[In several dioceses in the US all churches are offering the Sacrament of Confession Wednesdays throughout Lent-.ed]