What is Beauty?

The woman I really am

From the earliest days, a girl may already begin to show herself vain, without anyone to teach her. I remember that when I was a child, I loved to put on the high heels of my mother and leave walking from the house, I felt that I was beautiful, ah without counting the inumerable times that I wore that party dress long and full of embroidery. At first that moment transformed me into a princess most beautiful then all those fairy tales…I shined! Meanwhile, my brother played assembling and disassembling all that he found before him. (LOL) It is funny, but very real.

The desire to be beautiful is genuine and is part of being feminine, inclusive is one of the ways of us woman showing a face of God, beauty.

“God created man to his image, to the image of God He created him, man and woman He created them.” (Gen 1:27)

God is beautiful and as He made us to His image and likeness, we are also beautiful and do not need to flee this desire that lives in the base of our soul. But this desire needs to be monitored in order that it will not come to dominate us.

We women, many times, we are insatiable, always wanting to remain still more beautiful; and this desire to be beautiful, in a disordered way, brings many woman a profound discontent and, has a consequence, the suffering that causes many pains. This anquished search for the perfect body can trigger anorexia, bulimia, depression and even bring one to death.  In a report in Folha, doctors and therapists attest: “Still the greatest frequency may be around 15 years, even girls of 9 and 10 years have come to doctors offices having lost too much weight and found themselves fat.”

We cannot allow that mere impulses distort the true woman that you and I are: woman to the image and likeness of God.

How many types of different regimen do you do? How many tears have you already shed for not finding the right clothes for your body? Will it be that you stop talking with a best friend only because she posted on Facebook that photo that makes you appear heavy?

It is the moment to rescue for ourselves the true beauty that goes beyond exterior appearance. There exists inside of the woman a mysterious happiness, a beauty to be revealed. It is necessary the beauty to surface that God put in us women. We are endowed with riches, but at times, through wounds, trauma, deception and delusions we find ourselves hiding from the others and from ourselves the treasure in our being feminine.

You are beautiful! Assume now this motivating beauty will attact persons. The beauty that increases in the world, the beauty that communicates God.

Luciana Munhoz
Canção Nova Community

translated from Portuguese